Imagine this: You are working at home for the day when your boss calls at 11:00 to see if you will be able to finish a presentation before close of business today. The presentation will take only 2 hours to complete, so you agree and write the task in your work planner. At 12:30, your husband calls to remind you to pick up the children at daycare at 3:00. You set a reminder on your personal calendar. At 2:00, a quick check of your to do list reveals the presentation still to be completed. At 2:45 you get an automated reminder to pick up your children. The presentation is still incomplete and your home office is about to become a playroom.
To avoid conflicts like the one described above, consider keeping one all inclusive calendar. Write work events in one color and personal events in another. That way, when you work a flexible or changing schedule and juggle childcare or other personal responsibilities, one quick check of your calendar will let you know exactly what your schedule will permit.
Go Mom Inc. sells planners that help busy Moms keep track of their own work and personal obligations as well as the activities and important information for multiple children.
I recently authored a book, which was published by John Wiley & Sons, that is right in line with what you are doing! It is called "The ParentPreneur Edge: What Parenting Teaches About Building a Successful Business." One of my chapters is called "Having it All - Myth or Reality?" I would be happy to have my publisher send you a copy of the book if you would be willing to post a review of it! Just let me know...
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Julie Lenzer Kirk
Damascus, MD
I would welcome the opportunity to read and review your book. I too truly beleive that parenting (not just mothering) adds a unique and beneficial purview to all other areas of life.
Thanks for reading!
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