Mute your TV during the commercials or take a quick excursion together and enjoy!
- Send an email together to a friend or family member.
- Ask your child about his or her day at school.
- Mail artwork or school papers to family members who live far away.
- Record your child's height on a growth chart.
- Read a book together while waiting in line at the store.
- Teach your child a simple magic trick.
- Look through the Help Wanted ads in the newspaper and ask your child what they want to be when they grow up.
- Make instruments out of things you find in your kitchen. An upturned pot can be a drum. A closed box of rice can be a maraca.
- Create a grocery list and weekly meal plan together.
- Have a mock fire drill.
- Draw pictures of each other, then draw self-portraits.
- Take a donation to the local food bank.
- Play follow-the-leader through your house.
- Ask your child to share a favorite book for family story-time.
- Try to fill in the state names on a blank map of the USA.
- Go greeting card shopping for upcoming family birthdays.
- Look at the weather for the week and take turns playing the weather forecaster.
- Pick out a favorite comic from the newspaper. Cut out the individual frames and have your children put them back in sequence.
- Browse the online library catalog and create a list of books to read.
- Color on a white picture mat then use it to frame a recent family photograph.
- Create certificates for each member of your family highlighting special achievements or contributions to the family.
- Walk to a local park and take turns pushing each other on the swings.
- Sort laundry together while discussing dark and light colors and counting socks.
- Using different colors of finger paint, make hand prints on white paper. Use this paper to back photographs.
- Trace each other with side walk chalk on the driveway. Draw clothes and scenery for your chalk family.
- Play P-I-G in the house with a wastebasket and crumpled up paper.
- Write a good old-fashioned letter to family members. Let your child put on the stamp and decorate the envelope.
- Paint a square on your child's wall with blackboard paint. When it dries, write notes to each other in chalk.
- Make no-bake cookies together. Let your child measure or pour ingredients.
- Have a fashion show of last season's clothes. Donate what no longer fits
- Give hugs to everyone in your house.
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