Many of the changes made to Lauren's resume are simple formatting changes intended to make her resume more readable to electronic resume scanning software. Notice, in Lauren's after, her name is centered on the page followed by her contact information, which is contained in one line sections. Additionally, I removed the columned feel of her resume and added bullet points, making her resume easier to read by hiring managers. Other changes to Lauren's resume include descriptions more focused on accomplishments and quantifiable results. I also removed Lauren's high school job at Subway which added no relevant work history beyond her other sales position.
Lauren's Winning Resume:
Lauren's Winning Resume:

(Click on the images to view the resumes larger)
Congratulations Lauren on winning the resume contest. A polished resume can be the single most important self-marketing tool during a job search. Happy searching!
*Please note that this resume has been made anonymous by changing names and places.*
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