Flexible work arrangements such as telework and work at home arrangements give employees the flexibility of working outside a corporate office setting while taking the emphasis off putting in mere face time. However, the success of flexible work schedules hinges on the individual employee; ones needs in a work environment vary greatly. I need peace and quiet. I need distance from the distractions of the television, the refrigerator, the laundry. A successful home office can be set up to diminish or eliminate these distractions. Employees can also work outside the home from a telework center or leased office space. Modern internet connectivity has made working remotely adaptable to each employee and completely feasible for most.
However, I cannot take my home office on vacation with me and I do not work well in the local WiFi hot spots. So next week, while my family and I are on vacation, I will not be working remotely.
I would love to know, what is your ideal work environment? Leave me a comment telling me what is your ideal work space, a corporate office? home office? or some other location?
Also, take a moment to read Ryan Healy’s post on the Brazen Careerist blog, When Working on Vacation isn’t Work. Ryan pitches the question, what does it say about your career when you need 15 vacation days a year to completely disconnect. What do you think about his conclusion that you either dislike your job or work way too hard when you need to get away just to maintain sanity?
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