Friday, June 22, 2007

Mayor Bloomberg's Advice: Be the first to arrive, last to leave the office

Mayor Bloomberg began his commencement address to the students of the College of Staten Island with a lot of jokes about himself. He was evidently one of the students who made it possible for other students to be ranked in the top half of their class.

However, when Mayor Bloomberg delivered his advice to the graduating students he was no longer joking. His advice, it's simple -- the world is becoming more competitive. In order to succeed, you must work hard, which means longer hours in the office with fewer vacation days and no sick days. His own father worked seven days a week until he died.

Noting that his father would have been proud of the success his son and his granddaughters have become by following his own example, I felt as though even Mayor Bloomberg knows that his father sacrificed too much toiling at work to appreciate the fine legacy he left for future generations.

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State College, PA