Monday, August 20, 2007

How can I make Flexible Workforce better for you?

It is time for a reader site survey and I am excited to hear all your feedback in order to improve Flexible Workforce for each of you.

I am looking to improve the layout of the site as well as update my content focus to best meet your needs as job seekers, flexibly scheduled employees, family friendly companies, and most importantly, readers of this blog.

Please feel free to suggest any areas of improvement including:

  • Content: Are the article topics specific enough? diverse enough? What future topics would you like to see addressed in blog posts?
  • Posting frequency: Are you happy with the frequency of new posts? Would you like to see new posts more often?
  • Website design: Do you like the current layout? Are articles and tools easily accessible? Are any features missing from the website design?
  • Any other ideas or feedback to improve the Flexible Workforce blog site?

Please feel free to leave a comment below with your suggestions or send an email to While I can assure you that every comment and suggestion will be read and considered, I cannot promise to respond to every comment or implement every suggested change.

I expect improvements to the website to be completed by the end of September. Look for improvements to begin soon and always feel free to contact me with comments and suggestions.

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Flexible Workforce Solutions
State College, PA